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6 Steps to Optimize Your SEO in 2024


Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a must for any company wishing to increase its online visibility.
In 2024, SEO techniques continue to evolve, and staying up-to-date is essential to maximizing results.
This article guides you through the key steps to optimizing your website, highlighting powerful tools like RankMath for WordPress and Ahrefs for comprehensive SEO analysis.


Want to increase your website’s organic traffic and improve your Google ranking?
Follow these 6 simple steps to optimize your site in 2024 with the best tools available.

1. Keyword search

Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO strategy.
It helps you understand what your target audience is looking for, and optimize your content accordingly.
Effective keyword research helps identify the terms and phrases used by your potential customers, which is crucial to attracting relevant organic traffic to your website.

Recommended tool : Ahrefs
  • Features :
    • Keyword analysis: Identify relevant keywords with data on search volume and difficulty.
    • Position tracking: Monitor the performance of your keywords.
    • Competitive analysis: Discover your competitors’ strategies and identify content opportunities.
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2. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization consists of improving the visible elements of your website, such as content, HTML tags and images.
This step is crucial if search engines are to understand and correctly rank your website and content.

Recommended tool: RankMath for WordPress
  • Features :
    • Real-time SEO analysis: RankMath provides you with suggestions for improvement as you write your content.
    • Tag optimization: Easily configure meta tags, descriptions and titles for each page.
    • Markup schemas: Add structured data to help search engines understand your site’s content.

For effective on-page optimization, discover our SEO optimization services.

3. Creating quality content

Content is essential for attracting and engaging visitors.
Producing high-quality content on a regular basis is essential for SEO.
Content must be relevant, informative and provide real added value for your readers.

Tips for content creation :
  • Originality: Offer unique perspectives and avoid duplicate content.
  • Content length: Longer articles tend to rank better, but make sure they’re well structured and easy to read.
  • Use of keywords: Integrate your keywords naturally into content, titles and image alt tags.

For more tips on content creation, visit our page dedicated to SEO content creation.


4. Technical optimization

Technical optimization concerns aspects of the website that are not visible to visitors but are crucial to SEO.
This includes loading speed, site architecture and mobile compatibility.

Recommended tool: Google Search Console
  • Features :
    • Indexing monitoring: Make sure that all your pages are correctly indexed by Google.
    • Error monitoring: identify and correct exploration and indexing errors.
    • Performance analysis: Get data on the performance of your pages in search results.

To optimize your site technically, you can also consult our guide totechnical SEO optimization.

5. Backlinks and Domain Authority

Backlinks are key to building your domain’s authority and improving your search engine rankings.
High-quality backlinks from relevant sites increase your site’s credibility and authority.

Recommended tool : Ahrefs
  • Features :
    • Backlink analysis: Find out who is linking to your site and analyze the quality of these links.
    • Link building strategy: Find opportunities to create new quality backlinks.

6. Continuous Analysis and Adjustment

SEO is an ongoing process.
Regularly monitor your performance and adjust your strategies according to the data collected.
It’s crucial to remain flexible and adapt to changes in search engine algorithms.

Recommended tool: Google Analytics
  • Features :
    • Traffic tracking: Understand where your traffic comes from and how users interact with your site.
    • Conversion analysis: Measure the performance of your conversion targets and adjust your strategies accordingly.
    • Customized reports: Create customized reports to track your site’s key performance indicators (KPIs).

For more in-depth analysis, discover our SEO analysis and reporting services.


Optimizing your website’s SEO in 2024 requires a strategic approach and the use of the right tools.
By following the steps outlined and using tools like RankMath, Ahrefs, and Google Analytics, you can significantly improve your site’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

To go further in SEO optimization, discover our professional SEO services or request a free SEO audit to assess your site’s current performance.

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